To all the ladies out there: please consider this news carefully before you send your sweetie off to the gym, or give him grief for resting his lard-ridden ass on the sofa.
A study fresh from Erciyes University in Turkey shows that fat men make better lovers. That is, unless you’re in a hurry to get to a 50% off shoe sale or make a manicure appointment. In those cases, you’ll definitely want a gym rat. The study found a pronounced correlation between low BMI and premature ejaculations. So apparently 50 push-ups is not the only thing your studly man can rip off in under a minute.
If you want that slow easy lovin’, you need a man who knows about slow and easy. You need a beer and chicken wing fueled love machine who’s not afraid to stop and catch his breath now and again.
So feel free to drink in that ripply ab eye candy showing on the E! network. Go ahead and ogle those big guns hanging from the hunks on your favorite reality show. And we’ll be right here on the couch when you’re ready for some real lovin’.