Rush to Justice

Rush LimbaughIf you’re a fan of Rush Limbaugh, you should know that he thinks you’re a moron.  Further, he thinks you’re so into him that you’re unlikely to listen to anyone else.  Which I guess means he thinks you’re an ignorant moron.  There. Feel better?

On Captain Blowhard’s radio show yesterday, he excoriated Obama for sending 100 special forces troops to central Africa to aid in the hunt for Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army.

Now a reasonable person might have opposed this on the grounds that the U.S. has no strategic interest in the area and the last thing we need right now is a foot in another foreign military action.

Instead, Limbaugh, not being constrained by reasonableness, ranted that Obama was sending troops to kill Christians in defense of Muslims.  Specifically, he said:

You never heard of Lord’s Resistance Army?  Well, proves my contention, most Americans have never heard of it, and here we are at war with them.  Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians.  It means God.  I was only kidding.  Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians.  They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan.  And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them.

Rush is certainly right that most Americans have never heard of the LRA.  In fact, I’ll bet he’s counting on that. But just the briefest bit of research reveals the LRA is a guerilla group recognized by the U.S. as a terrorist organization.  They roam through Central Africa, and are accused of horrific atrocities, having killed an estimated 30,000 people over the last 20 years.  Under their leader, Joseph Kony, the LRA is accused of mass rape, mutilation of victims by cutting off body parts such as lips and noses, kidnapping young girls to use as sex slaves, and forcing young boys to become child soldiers.

Oh, and by the way, Kony has said he is a “spokesperson” of God.  Which, in retrospect, I guess I should have led with.  After all, if he’s on a mission from God, well, all right then.

Are they Christians?  Well, they say they are and I’ll take them at their word. But I’m guessing these aren’t the sort of folks any of Rush’s audience will be inviting to a church supper anytime soon.  That Limbaugh would even attempt to embrace these horrific people as kindred souls is beyond the pale.

I’d really like to call Limbaugh an idiot about now.  The trouble is, what he’s doing isn’t stupid.  It’s manipulative. It’s dishonest. But there’s a certain genius to it.  He’s very aware of the influence he holds over his audience. He knows they are helpless sheep to be herded as he pleases.  No, Rush is no idiot.  But he knows his listeners are.

2 thoughts on “Rush to Justice

  1. Excuse ME everyone!
    I must say that if it is the Lords RESISTance Army then obviously they aren’t doing thing that are holy!! Raping, Killing, Abducting, and Harming the children Of africa is not what I would call apart of Christianity! What research did he do? Jeez! Is is so diffucult to take 20 minutes out of your day to help the people less fortunate then you because that all Barack <3 was trying to do!
    I am in the 7th grade and I have been learning about The war in Uganda that has been going on for over 20 years now. Over the summer, my teacher taught some of the children in Gulu. We have watched several documentaries and even went online to where we were able to investigate. I think that it is a very good thing for us to be learning about how it is on the flip side. When kids like me see things like that it makes them more thankful for what they have. I'm not angry or mad. It's just a shame I am 12 years old and more educated about this topic then Rush Linbaugh……

  2. Certainly one of the more absurd things that he’s said that has gotten much attention in a while. Thankfully his audience has been shrinking.

    Solomon Kleinsmith
    Rise of the Center

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