Better in Heels

Ring GirlThis past weekend found me at yet another swim meet, and like many of them, this one was staffed with parent volunteers.  I was assigned to the Clerk-of-Course, which usually means you get to wrangle the little kids into some organization so they show up to the blocks when they are supposed to swim such that the meet runs smoothly.

Upon arrival I was handed a small whiteboard and a marker.  My job was to announce what events were now being seated so kids and coaches could get the little ones headed to the corral for pre-event organization.  This was to be accomplished by writing the event number on the board, and then parading up and down in front of the stands with the board held high.

It wasn’t very long before the heckling started.  One of the coaches compared me to the boxing ring girls that announce the rounds at a fight… and noted that I should really think about high heels for next time.  Over the next hour, there were several calls of “Hey Vanna!”  and remarks from other coaches and parents about how I might think about a better outfit next time, maybe one with more rhinestones.  Eventually, even some of the older swimmers from our team started piling on.

It was all in good fun, and it did make the time pass a little more quickly.  Still, I ran across this costume that I may have to get just in case I ever get saddled with that job again.  After all, embarrassing my teenage children is well within my job description at this point.

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