Olympic Update

I confessed to Kim the other day that Ice skating is one of my least favorite sports covered during the Olympics.  Unfortunately, its popularity with the rest of you means it gets disproportionately aired during prime time.  I don’t think it’s the lack of imminent danger that accompanies sports I enjoy like Luge and Snowboard Cross, because I find Curling to be oddly compelling.  However, that may be because it’s the only Olympic Sport I’m in any sort of physical shape to compete in.  If I only had skills.  On the other hand, maybe I was just scared off skating by those creepy clown costumes worn by the German couple a few nights back.

I’m also having mixed feelings about skiing now because of Australian Dale Begg-Smith who won silver in the Men’s Moguls.  It turns out he’s had time to hone his sport because he’s gotten quite wealthy from a company that an Austrailian newspaper described as , “the origin of spyware programs that can redirect a computer to porn sites or install software that floods the computer with pop-up ads.”  He is often referred to as The Spam King.  I suppose your day job shouldn’t matter, but I’d rather see this guy as a bobsled hood ornament than on the medal stand.

Bobsled GeekAnd speaking of bobsleds, kudos to Steven Holcomb, an all American geek on the U.S.A. bobsled team.  He’s currently working on his Computer Science degree, is A+ certified, and openly touts his love of gaming and gadgets.

When asked if his teammates teased him about his geeky ways he said, “They did at first, but then they realized that I’m the only one that can fix their computers.”

That’s my boy!  And maybe the reason bobsled is my favorite Olympic sport of the moment.  Then again, biathlon is pretty exciting.  Or at least it would be if they just changed a couple of rules so it played out more like the video below.