Frickin’ Rocket Surgeons

I’d like to make this a rant.  Usually the disingenuous, manipulative, untruths spouted by Conservative mouthpieces really gets my back up.  But sometimes the tide is overwhelming and the stench on the beach is self-evident.  These geniuses give true conservatives a bad reputation.  Judge for yourself.

First up is Michele Bachmann, the reality impaired Representative from Minnesota.  (Seriously guys, Jesse “The Body” Ventura was a better choice for public office.)  Ms. Bachmann was stumping recently for the North Dakota Republican party.  During a keynote address at their convention she lambasted Obama for racking up more dept than all the other Presidents combined.  She was pining for the days of George Bush who only racked up $400B in debt according to her version of the facts.  She then went on to explain that Obama was going to raise your taxes 40% this year.  All easily disputed facts, and not even directionally correct.  But they resonated with her audience.

Next up is Fox & Friends.  Tucker Carlson comes on to assert that college makes you liberal and teaches you nothing about civics.  He sites stats about how college graduates are more liberal and somehow makes the leap that this is due to indoctrination by liberal professors.  They are clearly brainwashing students because uncomfortable portions of graduates don’t know basic civics facts.  Never mind that even larger percentages of non graduates flunk these questions.  Finally, when asked point-blank if college is worth it, he says the jury is still out, but accedes there may be some value.

And finally comes Tracy Klugian, a Teabagger from Elyria, Ohio.  Tracy finally Googled the term “teabag”, and is suddenly embarrassed.  Apparently he’d been wondering what all the tittering was about.  But he’s putting his new-found knowledge into action by urging Tea Party leaders to consider changing the name to… “Donkey Punchers.”   Yup, that should do it.  No one will make fun of that name.

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