Apocalypse Preparedness

No one’s apocalypse kit would be complete without some nuclear grade duct tape. This stuff comes complete with its own nuclear certification of authenticity. Which presumably means that after the mushroom clouds subside, there will be somebody to sue in the event that the the tape fails and you are hideously mutated by radiation into some B-movie horror flick creature bent on stalking the lawyers who allowed this to happen to you. Order now, or the terrorists win!

One thought on “Apocalypse Preparedness

  1. It claims it’s “Ideal for demanding duct tape applications in the nuclear power plant, ship building, and stainless steel fabrication industries.”
    If you need to duct-tape something shut at a nuclear power plant, I think you have more than one problem on your hands…

    It also claims it: “Unwinds from the roll easily making it convenient to use and preventing user fatigue.
    What has America come to? It doesn’t take that much energy to rip off a piece of duct-tape. You never know with some people…

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