McCain’s Health Insurance Rx

I’ll bet McCain is wishing he’d never said this: (page 3, top of right column)

Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.

Yes… that’s exactly what we need… a health insurance industry that performs more like our banking industry.

Government regulation, like most things, is a matter of having just enough. It’s a careful balancing act. It’s not a black and white issue. Don’t we need leaders intelligent enough to understand the nuance of this?

Who’s Your Political Soulmate?

ABC News has put up a quiz to see which candidate better aligns with you. (Thanks to Mom for sending it in.) It’s kind of interesting. They have specifically chosen quotes from each candidate that are not in stark contrast. The result is that the choices are far from obvious. I suspect that if you’re not a political news junkie you’ll be hard pressed to identify the speaker from the quote. Also, there’s the spin interpretation that’s hard to figure out when these texts are taken out of context. For example, it means different things when one talks about “middle class tax cuts” than when the other does. You can’t really translate the code if you don’t know which cipher to use.

In my case, the choice was still blindingly clear. I’m curious though, for people who maybe aren’t addicted to news, were your results surprising?? Feel free to share your results and impressions in the comments.