Pizza and God

A recent Gallup poll finds that one third of Americans don’t believe there is evidence to support evolution. Further, 45% believe God created humans in their current form within the past 10,000 years. And people wonder why we are falling behind the rest of the world in science? C’mon, isn’t this the 21st century incarnation of the Flat Earth Society? Recall that the church once proclaimed the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun and everything else revolved around it.

Science is good for us. I know this to a certainty because a research study in Italy found that people who eat a lot of pizza are less that half as likely to suffer a heart attack as those who only nibble occasionally. My heart should be beating strong two years after I’m dead. That is, unless the creationists are right and the rapture comes first, which would make all that pizza eating in vain. So I guess I’ll just have to keep eating pizza on faith. Or something like that…

Current Events Update

Now that the Palestinians and the Israelis have agreed to sign a peace treaty, how long do you think it will be before GW and Condi take credit for it? Do you suppose he really poisoned Arafat? Otherwise, I’m having trouble seeing how he gets to put this on his resume.

I’m pretty sure I blogged this before, but I want to get it out again. If this prediction is right,then I’ll be famous. If it’s wrong, you’ll forget I ever wrote it. I’m thinking the easiest way to get “out of Iraq” is to get into somewhere else. After all, we all forgot about the shambles we left in our wake in Afghanistan once we entered Iraq. Wouldn’t the strategy work again?

The saber rattling over Iran has already begun. The elections in Iraq have been held. And a big chunk of GW’s fans will forgive him all the mis-steps in Iraq once he whoops ’em all up for an invasion of yet another harbor for terrorists.

I hope I’m wrong.

Scot Free

As I depart Scotland, I have find mixed feelings. It has a great culture of sandwiches and pubs. And those who know me understand that this is not a fondness to be taken lightly. A word about their sandwiches is in order. It’s so refreshing to find that even the generic sandwiches you find in company canteens and convenience stores have a bit of imagination to them. At home, if you get a turkey sandwich it would consist of turkey and bread. Here, it might have bacon, pesto mayo, and pickle. By the way, I’ve no clue what they pickle here that goes on sandwiches. It’s brown and pasty, but awfully good if you’re brave enough to eat it. And the beers are so much more interesting. I can’t imagine why some of the locals drink Bud. But then I don’t drink Genny in my neighborhood either.

And I also like the music. Not bagpipes mind you. They grate on your nerves pretty quick. But the popular music here is mostly 70’s and 80’s rock and roll. They play it live in the clubs, pipe it onto the airplanes, and in restaurants. I’m probably just getting old, but the techno hip-hop rap stuff that passes for popular music at home has an effect on me similar to bagpipes.

All in all, Scotland seems to be one of those rare places that while not terribly exciting to visit, it would be a right fine place to live… if you could afford it.