Hab SoSlI’ Quch!

You know how sometimes, when you’re sitting in your underwear in a kid-sized beanbag chair, munching on a wholesale-sized tub of peanut butter filled pretzels while watching the The Real Housewives of Orange County, and you just think to yourself, “Ya know, there just aren’t enough Klingon language hip-hop cover bands.” C’mon… sure you do.

Well don’t just sit there. Put down the pretzels, put your pants on, and book a ticket across the pond to hear the musical stylings of Klinginem. These guys are the real deal. An Eminem cover band from Germany who do the whole show dressed as Klingons. They even sing all the songs in Klingon. At least they claim to, but as they normally speak German and they are both high phlegm tongues, it’s a bit hard to tell for sure. I’ve embedded a sample below to get you started.

Now if I can just find a Ferengi band that covers AC/DC…