A Fighter and a Lover

A Florida man has reconciled that age old dichotomy of being a fighter or a lover by deciding he’s both. He pulled up outside a Ft. Lauderdale bank where he scuffled with a bank guard outside. He got inside and punched the bank manager in the face. Finally making his way to the teller where he demanded cash. It was at this point the he apparently became enraptured with the beauty who was stuffing bills in his bag and insisted that she kiss him. Curiously, there’s no report on whether or not she complied. At any rate, with $9000 cash and presumably a little more lipstick than he came in with, he fled the bank. Where he was promptly arrested.

So for all his effort, the poor guy heads off to jail with only a memory of a brief encounter with an attractive teller to show for it. Or maybe not. Either way, clearly this guy would have gotten further with the teller had he been sporting a dash of Red Shirt cologne.