Is Texas Downhill from Kansas?

On the map, it looks like Texas is downhill from Kansas. Maybe that explains the apparent deluge of Creationist malarkey coming out of the Texas state legislature. It’s runoff from the Kansas state school board.

Apparently not content to just undermine their younger children’s educational future, State Rep. Leo Berman has introduced a bill that would allow Masters of Science degrees to be issued from colleges who only teach oxymoronic bible science. Comically, the bill is so generally worded that, if enacted, it would be trivial to set up mail order diploma mills where people could basically buy Texas certified credentials in almost any discipline.

It’s not remotely clear why Texas would willingly opt to significantly undermine the credibility of its educational system. If anything, it would seem that these ill-educated legislators should be poster children for why the Texas educational system needs to be laced even tighter.