The Trouble With Men Baby Showers

It seems a baby shower was held in Colorado and a brawl broke out between two men in attendance.
Key quote:

She says it’s unclear why the fight started but that one man struck another in the head with a beer bottle and that man retaliated by hitting the first man in the head with a metal car jack.

While it might be argued that this was a direct result of beer being served at the shower, or perhaps the inexplicable presence of a handy car jack to use as a weapon, the real villain here is the woman who threw the shower. And yes, I know to a certainty that a woman (possibly several) was the perpetrator of the shower. How do I know? Because men would never do something like that to another human being. When men are in a mood to celebrate, they buy each other beer, chicken wings, and lap dances. They do not sit politely eating crustless watercress sandwiches and watching someone open gifts to a well orchestrated chorus of, “Ooooo… ahhhh”—ever.

Men are driven to the brink of psychological trauma by the very idea of a baby shower. In general, we are willing to make an appearance at the end to offer some thank yous and load the car. But requiring men to attend showers is mental torture and anguish explicitly forbidden by the Geneva Convention.

Jack and Jill showers are just wrong. While it was never disclosed why Jack fell down and broke his crown, it’s very possible he was attempting to commit suicide to avoid attending a shower. Either that, or his buddy clobbered him with a car jack and the falling down story was just a cover-up.

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