7 thoughts on “It’s Hard to be a Dick

  1. Impeachment? SOS different moron. Your left leaning close minded ignorance is showing!

  2. Curious… demanding accountability is now “left leaning close minded ignorance”??

  3. Nah…. Your the same as the right leaning, close minded morons who impeached Clinton … your just playing for the other team.

  4. Actually, I never advocated for impeaching Clinton. I thought he deserved a mondo dope slap and certainly earned whatever rage Hillary inflicted on him. But I never found his behavior to be dangerous to the country.

    I’m not even terribly fond of the idea of impeaching Bush or Cheney. However, I’m just not sure we can afford to have them in office for another 18 months. The damage they are inflicting is enormous and will take a generation to repair. I’m past wanting retribution. I just want them to go away.

  5. You might want to take some refresher courses on reading comprehension .. perhaps the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Course. Or are you that close minded and ignorant? Let me type this S L O W L Y so even you can understand … OF COURSE you didn’t advocate the impeachment of Clinton – you are a Left Winger and your boy can do NO WRONG and Conservatives can do NO RIGHT. My point is (Pay attention) – you are the same as the people who pressed for Clinton’s impeachment – but you are an ignorant, close minded liberal as opposed to an ignorant, close minded conservative. Same cloth .. same ignorance .. same BS. Did you understand me that time sweetheart?

  6. Apparently I did misunderstand your second comment. My apologies. And I think that if you dig a little deeper into the blog you’ll find that I am hardly a left-winger. Actually, prior to 2000 I considered myself more ideologically aligned with the Republicans than the Democrats. Even today, I do not consider myself partisan. I simply find the neo-con take over of the Republican party one of the most dangerous shifts in the political landscape of this country in modern history.

    I assure you, I’d be equally as outraged with any extremist philosophy regardless of the party behind it. Hugo Chavez is every bit as dangerous as Bush, and he’s on the far left.

    I’m curious about you though. You would derisively paint me as close-minded, which would lead me to believe that you yourself must be open-minded (which BTW is the definition of liberal). So would you be willing to share your enlightened liberal philosophy, or are you content to simply hurl insults?

  7. I wouldn’t bother trying to justify yourself to this “anonymous” person. He/She is content to stay “anonymous” so he/she can simply insult what others are saying vs. actually saying something for themselves. The thing I find most amusing is that they appear to stand for something, but it’s hard to tell what that something actually is other than to criticize you and anyone else that posts. It feels like the person is claiming to be Christian, but the behavior is far from any Christian values I’ve ever been taught or that I’m proud to say I follow. Insults and complaining about turning the other cheek are far from what Jesus would do. Maybe he/she didn’t learn the WWJD line of thinking before they open their mouth. The only reason I’d even like to know who it is is so that I don’t ever make the mistake of attending the church they do. They either have a really bad pastor, or they aren’t listening very well while they’re there. Maybe if you ignore him/her, they’ll go away and go back to church and learn how to behave.

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