Cab Tab

I'm on a brief junket through Boston and Newark for a couple of days. I'm talking to all kinds of facinating people. I met the guy who produced Teen Wolf with Michael J Fox. He was a facinating man with tremendous insights into entertainment. He was teamed with an MIT professor who was surprisingly clueless. He had a ton of bright people working for him, but really didn't seem to know how anything worked.

I then went to meet with a bunch of Havard mathematicians. They understood how things worked that I didn't even know existed. My whole goal for the meeting was to ask just one question that didn't make me look like a total moron. They said they were impressed with my professionalism and intellect. However, they're hoping for funding so I expect they were just being nice. I felt like a moron.

Afterwards, my exhausted brain just wanted a quiet dinner and an early bedtime. The hotel eatery looked a little lame, so I thought I'd opt for an Applebees about 6 miles away. A quick cab ride, a familiar meal, then back to the room. However, after discovering that the roundtrip cab ride was $70, the hotel food stared to sound a lot better. Talk about highway robbery!

Then finally I met some not so famous guys who had the coolest tech of all. It's good to be a geek. And it's good to be home before the snow hits.

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