New and Improved Blog

I know you’re all dying to see all the new features which took me several hours to get right, and I’m sure they are unlikely to impress anyone. Nonetheless, they all appear at the bottom of each post.

The “posted at” link can be clicked to get a single page which shows just that article and any comments. This is useful if you want to view the post and all the comments, or if you want to paste a link to that specific article in an email or on your own blog.

The letter icon will allow you to easily email the article to any friends who might care.

The “comments” link shows the number of comments currently logged against that article. If you click it, you can view the comments and also (and more importantly) post your own views. I’ve left this open and am allowing anonymous postings for now. However, if we start to collect automated spam in there, then I’ll have to tighten that up a bit. But please, feel free to post. I’m hoping to make this a little more interactive. Some of you are pretty willing to send me email, so I’m hoping you’ll be willing to share publicly.