
Time Warner and their Road Runner service have just usurped Al Gore. How you might ask? Their latest ad campaign shows a small child asking a typical small child’s question. That is, a question designed to convince their parents they are singularly unqualified to have a child. In one ad, the kid asks, “Mom, do bees have ears?”

To which she replies, “I dunno Honey. Let’s ask Road Runner.” You can imagine how it goes on from here. And to save you the trouble, apparently bees are deaf which explains how they can put up with that infernal buzzing all day.

But what about Al? Well, if you recall, Al “invented the Internet”. A statement which probably cost him the election as all the tech savvy young largely Democratic geeks realized he was just as full of hot air as the balloon from Crawford. But now Time Warner apparently IS the Internet. Let’s hope people are brighter than the ads give us credit for.