
Oh yeah!! Politics aside, you have to love the recent raid which rescued Pfc. Jessica Lynch. What a great story.

A supply clerk – no wait – a female supply clerk – no wait, wait – a pretty blonde supply clerk – yeah, that’ll work. Okay, see… her unit gets ambushed deep in enemy territory. As her comrades fall around her, she goes all Rambo and takes out platoons of Iraqis. She keeps up the fight, ignoring gunshot wounds and a close encounter stabbing received during a hand-to-hand thrashing she gives to an enemy soldier who wants to know just how tough U.S. supply clerks are. Finally, wounded, exhausted, and out of ammo she collapses. The enemy then takes her to a hospital because they are an honorable military who respect her courage and spirit – no, wait – they take her to the hospital because their religion prohibits the ill treatment of women – no, no, that’s not it – oh, I got it – they take her because the hospital is really a concealed interrogation center and they know that the arrogant U.S. military dogs give every last Private complete access to the operational war plans because they think they are invincible.

Meanwhile, a compassionate doctor provides crucial details of the incarceration to the Marines who send in a crack commando unit to rescue the woman. (Fade to stock footage of pretty much any old Chuck Norris film.) Next thing you know she’s whisked out of the enemy compound on a stretcher with an American Flag on her chest. (It’s a little known fact that every special operations unit is equipped with flags for use in strategic photo ops.)

Next thing you know she’s sitting in a U.S. military hospital noting that she hasn’t eaten in eight days and wondering if maybe she could have some turkey and steamed carrots. Give me a break. Eight days without food? I want a bacon cheeseburger and a pile of French (oops… freedom) fries – and a pizza for dessert.

The only question remaining is whether this will be picked up by a major studio or left as a made-for-TV movie. Sometimes life does imitate fiction. Cool…