Cab Tab

I'm on a brief junket through Boston and Newark for a couple of days. I'm talking to all kinds of facinating people. I met the guy who produced Teen Wolf with Michael J Fox. He was a facinating man with tremendous insights into entertainment. He was teamed with an MIT professor who was surprisingly clueless. He had a ton of bright people working for him, but really didn't seem to know how anything worked.

I then went to meet with a bunch of Havard mathematicians. They understood how things worked that I didn't even know existed. My whole goal for the meeting was to ask just one question that didn't make me look like a total moron. They said they were impressed with my professionalism and intellect. However, they're hoping for funding so I expect they were just being nice. I felt like a moron.

Afterwards, my exhausted brain just wanted a quiet dinner and an early bedtime. The hotel eatery looked a little lame, so I thought I'd opt for an Applebees about 6 miles away. A quick cab ride, a familiar meal, then back to the room. However, after discovering that the roundtrip cab ride was $70, the hotel food stared to sound a lot better. Talk about highway robbery!

Then finally I met some not so famous guys who had the coolest tech of all. It's good to be a geek. And it's good to be home before the snow hits.

Fifteen geek movies to see before you die

Geeks and movies go together quite nicely. This guy (a former movie critic and current self-avowed tech geek) has been thinking about films that reflect tech and geek culture, and has pulled together a list of 15 movies that should probably be on any geek’s must-see list. Fortunately, there’s one on the list I haven’t seen. So I must not be a geek.