Weekend Dog Owner's Kit

Contents:   1 - 67 lb. Dog
                   1 - 20' Chain
                   1 - Steel Bristle Brush
                   2 - 18"x40" Dog Towels
                   1 - 6'x6' Blanket
                   1 - 8 oz. Scoop (Red)
                   2 - Lg. Bowls
                   1 - 15 lb. Bag Food type Dog
                   1 - Bag Treats type Dog
                   1 - 14" Dinosaur Bone
                   2 - Latex Toys

These instructions are supplied to aid the weekend dog-owner in assembling and operating the weekend dog for maximum personal enjoyment and minimal hassle. The instructions will outline each of the items in the kit; explain their use; and offer helpful tips for easy operation.  At the end of this flyer, a short section on troubleshooting has beenincluded to help the owner get out of any particularly sticky situations.

First and foremost, DO NOT PANIC!! Dogs have no sense of time, and as such, will have long since gone on to do something else they quite enjoy doing before you figure out how to undo any hideous deed you might have done.

Secondly, don't worry about trying to teach the dog to adapt to your lifestyle and household environment. The dog is already quite adept at teaching you how to support her in the style of life which she has come to expect, and she will personally make any alterations she finds necessary to your house.

All in all, if you follow the guidelines and tools provided in this kit, you should find your weekend with the dog to be pleasant and enjoyable. In fact, you will probably find that you will be well adjusted to living with your new friend about 37 seconds prior to her returning home.

Content Descriptions

Dog:  The dog is readily identified by looking about for the 67 lb. drooling furball which is presently trying to either: eat this flyer, lick your face, or lick her butt. You see, dogs as a rule are quite orally fixated. They spend an inordinate amount of time licking things you'd rarely consider touching with a well gloved hand. Nonetheless, doctors tell us that being licked by a dog is more sanitary than being licked by a fellow human or your spouse. Still, this doesn't help that queasy feeling you get as they stop licking their butts, and immediately try to coat your tonsils with canine saliva.

20' Chain: The chain is a valuable device for when you are not going to be home for several hours, or when you would just like the dog to believe that that is the case. Fasten the chain to any rigid object using the speed link, a pair of plyers, and someone with a fair amount of patience. Fasten the dog to the other end while excercising great care not to look into her eyes. Dogs are second only to vampires and leggy blondes in their ability to get you to do anything for them (such as let them off of this chain and feed them a large steak) by giving you "that look." (I am forced to admit that my personal experience is limited in the area of leggy blondes trying to entice me to unchain them and feed them raw meat.)

Steel Bristle Brush: The brush is included in this kit for the sake of completeness. It is not anticipated that you
will feel any urge to attend to the dog's grooming needs until the latter stages of canine bonding are reached. The brush can come in handy though, for removing objects from the dog's coat which you would rather not have chemically bonded to your carpet.

18"x 40" Dog Towels: Dog towels can be used for cleaning up any variety of things on, around, created, excreted, or caused by the dog. The best part about the dog towels is that they go back home with the dog at the conclusion of the weekend in whatever state you leave them in. Two towels are included so that both of you can participate in the intimate ritual of "The cleaning of the paws" when coming inside while it's raining (the dog, not you). With practice, the two of you can each clean two paws such that the job is cut in half. With lots of practice, you can manage to both pick up a paw on the same side of the dog, at the same time, such that she falls over and looks at you as if to ask if you can really be that stupid.

6'x 6' Blanket: The blanket is both a protection and guilt relieving device. It can be placed over any object which you're concerned about the dog lying on. The blanket protects the furniture underneath while assuring that the dog is present on that furniture almost constantly. A more useful application is to place the blanket on the kitchen floor at night so that "the poor little puppy doesn't have to lie on the cold floor." The net result of this is that you will feel less guily, and the dog will play with the blanket until she's so tired that she falls asleep on the cold floor.

8 oz. Scoop (Red): This device is used five times each morning for scooping dog food from the bag and spilling it onto
the floor.

Lg. Bowls: In one bowl you should place fresh cool water. The remaining bowl is used as a recepticle for the dog food which has spilled onto the floor. Both bowls should be placed within reach of the dog. Otherwise, they will still be full the following morning when you go to fill them, and in a few days they'll start to overflow.

15 lb. Bag Food type Dog: This is the bag from which you spill five scoops daily onto the floor such that you can pick all of it up and put it back in the bowl except for the piece that you step on in your stocking feet and commence to swearing about why your kids couldn't have children instead of dogs when suddenly you wonder if this is at all related to their tendency to write in run-on sentences.

Bag Treats type Dog: This is a bag full of dog food which manufacturers have cleverly convinced the public is better tasting than the stuff which costs less and comes in bigger bags. The dogs seem to like them, but hell, they lick their butts for no apparent reason too. Nonetheless, these so-called treats are good things to give the dog for rewarding good behavior, or relieving your guilt for leaving the poor thing alone all day while you were at work.

14" Dinosaur Bone: This bone should be thought of as a dog pacifier.   It should be saved, and given to the dog only when she is acting particularily obnoxious, and for whatever reason, you feel it's important that she stay indoors. She will wile away the next few hours turning that hunk of dried cow skin into a slimey mass, and then ingesting it for reasons that are more obscure than why she licks her butt. (Note: It is vital that the bone stay indoors. She will only chew the bone while you are watching (seriously!). If she takes it outdoors, she will only get it so dirty that you won't want it back in the house. Then you'll have to put up with her!!)

Latex Toys: The toys are used for the mutual enjoyment of you and your weekend pet. They provide an ideal excuse for your weekend dog to slobber all over your hand such that you will begin to hold it in mid-air, away from everything else, and look at it like it's not really yours anyway.

Troubleshooting Guide

Dog won't eat: It could be seperation anxiety, or the three sweet rolls and 18 cookies she had for breakfast.

Dog won't stop trying to lick your face: It could be the three sweet rolls and 18 cookies you had for breakfast, remnants of which are still on your face and breath.

Dog won't come in out of the rain: The dog is probably engaged in an age old ritual of watching a small animal sitting warm and dry under a tree who is in turn watching the dog get soaking wet in the rain. Each is secretly laughing at the other thinking s/he has the upper hand. This is a genetic defect in dogs, and as such should be seen as a crime of nature, and treated as an act of lunacy.

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