Toupon Tostitos

The subject today is Toupon Tostitos.

Perhaps a little context would be helpful.  My boys are on an unending quest to memorize every last nuance and detail of the entire Star Wars saga... and of course, own all the toys.  Aspects of this are probably healthy.  They understand good vs. bad and are determined to be the good guys.  They understand that good guys can turn bad, and are beginning to glimpse the nature of temptation.  On the down side, anything longer than 3 inches is a light saber, and should there be two of them handy, a battle will ensue.  I don't remember quite as much crying during the duels in the movie, but I haven't seen them in 3 weeks or so, maybe my memory is failing.

Since Fall, there has been a particular curiosity about the weaponry in Star Wars.  (They are boys after all.)  I expect at some point the focus will turn to Princess Leia's slave girl bikini costume in The Return of the Jedi, but hopefully that's a couple years off.  In the mean time, they are busy digesting technical spec's on the difference between an A-wing and an X-Wing fighter and whether or not the Millennium Falcon could kick-butt against a Victory Star Destroyer.

It was during one such detailed discussion that I learned from Tyler that the Death Star in the original movie was destroyed by Luke using a Toupon Tostito.  I suggested that perhaps it was a "Proton Torpedo", but he remains adamant about the pronunciation.  So all week, I've been hearing about the military virtues of a weapon which sounds reminiscent of a Mexican snack food.

Whenever he talks about Toupon Tostitos my brain is flooded with visions of Darth Vader cursing the Rebels and their ship mounted Nacho Cheese Cannons.  Each splat further reducing the most powerful battlestation in the galaxy to a Chi Chi's combo platter.  The Storm Troopers pensively reporting, "Sir, the Jalepeno generators can't take much more of this."  "Should we activate the Refried Bean Sequence?"

In the final scene, Luke skillfully pilots his X-Wing down the narrow passage as the words of his mentor Obi Wan Kenobi echo in the small cockpit, "Luke... use the salsa..."

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